How to Reduce Negative Marks in NEET Exam

NEET is the qualifying test that the students have to take for MBBS and BDS programs in medical and dental colleges and is conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA).
If you are someone who has been aspiring to become a doctor, NEET is the ultimate doorway to secure a seat in the most prestigious medical college. Over a lakh, NEET aspirants aim to crack the medical entrance exam every year. And the competition is also getting tougher as there is an increase in the number of candidates seeking the coveted opportunity to seek admission to the best medical colleges in the country.
A good score and a good rank will help you keep in pace with the competition that is getting stiffer every year with the increasing number of aspirants.
The pattern of the NEET exam remains the same including the marking scheme. Negative marking also remains the same as one mark will be deducted for every wrong answer. And as before, four marks will be awarded for every right answer.
All the aspirants should be aware of the negative marking pattern and should work on it during the course of exam preparation as to how to reduce the negative marking. Practice is the key to avoiding negative marking.
Calculation of Negative Marking
In total there will be 180 questions in the NEET examination and the question paper will be of a maximum of 720 marks. One correct answer will fetch 4 marks and one mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer. No marks will be deducted for the unanswered questions. As you begin preparations, you must be well aware of the marking scheme and the model of the question paper.
The tips given below will help you in eliminating the negative marking from your NEET exam.
1. Read the Question Paper Over And Again
Reading the entire question paper carefully is an essential step to follow. At a quick glance, you might feel some questions are similar to the ones you had practiced. But, there could be minor changes that you might skip if you don’t go through the question paper thoroughly.
2. Overconfidence Can Harm You
Confidence is good but being overconfident is harmful. Don’t get overwhelmed and become careless. Some students also tend to get over-excited after going through the question paper which leads to silly mistakes and results in negative marking.
3. Skip If You Are Unsure
Never attempt any question if you are doubtful because it will not only make you lose time and lower your confidence level. If you are stuck with a question, you should either skip it or try it at the end of solving all the questions. Answering unsure questions can lead to negative marking. It will be wise to leave the doubtful question instead of trying your luck.
4. Don’t Mark Two Answers
Mandatorily follow the NEET guidelines to avoid any kind of negative marking. Do not choose two answers for one question in the OMR sheet. Doing that intentionally or unintentionally can lead to negative marking and disqualification. Make sure that there is no overlapping while filling the OMR sheet neatly.
5. Don’t Oral Calculate
NEET does not want to test your IQ level. It will only check your in-depth knowledge of the concepts and their applications. So, attempting to solve any questions by calculating orally can put you in trouble. Always use pen and paper for calculations to be sure about the correctness of the answers.
6. Never Panic
Don’t stress out on the questions if you do not know or are doubtful about the answer. This can make you lose focus leading to bad results. Read the paper thoroughly and start with the questions which you are well versed with. Remain calm throughout the exam hours and solve all the questions with concentration.
7. Keep A Track On Time
Avoid negative marking by not wasting your time. Never start solving the paper by answering the toughest questions. This will waste time and you will end up hurrying in the end to complete the question paper leading to panicking and wrong answering.
All the NEET candidates must follow these basic tips while preparing for the exam as well as during the exam. These tips will help you deal with the possibilities of incurring negative marks.
Always stay positive, confident, and focus. Guessing answers will never gain you a good rank and instead can lead to increased negative marks. NEET does require thorough preparation. But, it is not that difficult to secure a good rank if you seek the help of a good coaching center to prepare well.
An ideal coaching institute will provide you with the right guidelines and syllabus and ultimately you will not leave room for silly errors. Keep the points discussed in this article in your mind and thoughts. Strengthen your fundamentals and be prepared to secure a good rank.