Last 10 Days NEET Preparation
Cracking the NEET exam can transform your life. The gate to elite medical colleges across India, NEET is attended by lakhs of students around the country. Only those with a high-spirited attitude and committed approach succeed in clearing the exam with excellent grades. Aspirants may turn confused, anxious, and exhausted as the exam day nears. Every day counts and must be focused throughout. We are sharing some tips for the last 10 days of preparation for NEET 2022. You can pursue the methods, and the points discussed here to achieve a great result.
The last 10 days preceding NEET 2022 are crucial. The foremost thing about these ten days is that you should not spend the time entirely on preparation. Rather, activities for remaining healthy mentally and physically, infusing the mind with positive thoughts, and maintaining an optimistic mindset are of paramount importance.
Tips on How to Prepare for NEET 2022 in The Last 10 Days
Let’s see 10 wonderful tips to follow in the last 10 days for NEET.
Tip 1. Ascertain the Level of Preparation
It is a common thing that some topics are pending to be covered. Check how much you have completed and what is remaining. No, don’t panic even if you are yet to cover some important topics. Ten days are enough to go through each one of those if you put up a committed effort. According to your analysis, prepare a study schedule for the ten days up to NEET 2022.
Tip 2. Attend A Few Mock Tests
You might have attended several mock tests during the preparation period. These 10 days are not for attending many mock tests. Try to limit the number of mock tests you attend. Otherwise, it may backfire. Anxiety may seep into your heart if the score in any of the mock tests is not as expected. Note that, scoring low on a mock test is not bad. It would in fact help you identify your weak areas and improve on them.
Tip 3. Make a Schedule of Activities
You have analyzed the preparation level, as per tip 1, and understood what it left. Now, prepare a schedule of activities for the 10 days until NEET 2022. The timetable should not be extensive. It should comprise enough leisure time as well. Timing for physical exercises like Yoga also must be included.
Tip 4. Avoid Reading from Any New Guide or Text
This is not the time for practicing from a new guide or book. It can elevate your confusion and concern. Stick to the books you were referring to and practice from those only. The new pattern from the book can only lead to a negative impact on you. Hence, avoid it even if suggested by a close friend. Definitely, tuitions centers and academies would never do such a thing.
Tip 5. Formulate a NEET 2022 Exam Strategy
Attending the maximum questions correct is the main factor that can get you to the top of the list. Since NEET has negative marks for each wrong answer, the questions have to be attended carefully. A methodical approach, with a well-defined strategy, can help you answer maximum questions right in less time. Formulation of the exam strategy may require guidance from an experienced tutor.
Tip 6. Are you Aware of the New Pattern?
A new pattern was introduced in the NEET exam the previous year. NEET 2022 would also be in the same pattern. Predominantly there hasn’t been much change in the exam style. However, the changes introduced need to be understood and you must be amply prepared to attend the exam accordingly. The NEET exam strategy, which we discussed in the previous tip, should be devised to suit the new pattern.
Tip 7. Stop Social Media
It is best if you can stay away from social media for these ten days. The useless and unproductive interactions in social media would distract you from the goal. Moreover, the time spent on those will affect the total time available for NEET 2022 preparation. Understand that you will get enough time for social media gossip, entertainment, and interactions once the exam is over.
Tip 8. Stay Positive, Confident, and Motivated
Nothing can stop you from winning if you are a determined person, full of energy and positivity. Assert in your mind that you are a winner and you are going to win this battle too. Once you have cemented this concept in your brain, you will feel optimistic and confident. You can listen to motivational speeches or read motivational books if you want.
Tip 9. Put a Holistic Effort
Put your heart and soul towards the objective, the dream life you wanted to live. Channelize all your energy to this sole aim. There should not be any space left for anything else in your brain. You have the whole world’s time for other activities once you clear the NEET 2022. Put up a holistic effort to clear this hurdle. Consume a healthy diet these days. Avoid junk food or any similar thing. Sleep in time, sleep well. Be ready for the exam in all respect.
Tip 10. Keep Yourself Informed about the NEET 2022
The National Testing Agency (NTA) may promulgate some directives or instructions regarding the exam. You must check the NTA website and other reliable portals for any info regarding the exam. You should not miss any updates about the exam, even though it is minor in nature.
Are you an aspirant dreaming about cracking NEET? Are you battle-ready for NEET 2022? Do you have any queries regarding the exam?
Share your questions and doubts with us. Our experts would revert to you at the earliest.